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Celebrating Risk-Takers and Innovators

Celebrate risk-takers and innovators who have shaped business and society, and learn how embracing failure as a learning opportunity can foster creativity and innovation through informed risk-taking.

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Meet our Speakers

We've gathered some of the top experts in the field to discuss this topic. With years of experience between them, they're well-equipped to offer invaluable insights and perspectives.

Sam Savage

Sam Savage

Executive Director, ProbabilityManagement.org

Ellie Cloke

Ellie Cloke

DEI Practice Lead, Red Team Thinking

Sarah Davis

Sarah Davis

Adventurer | Speaker | Writer | Coach, Sarah Davis

Marcus Dimbleby

Marcus Dimbleby

Vice President, Red Team Thinking

Shayne Kavanagh

Shayne Kavanagh

Senior Manager, Research, Government Finance Officers Association

Paula Reid

Paula Reid

A rare mix of Adventurer, Psychologist, Business Leader, Adventure Psychology

Alex Sidorenko

Alex Sidorenko

Head of Risk, Insurance and Internal Audit, Serra Verde

David Vose

David Vose

Vice President of Risk Management, Archer Integrated Risk Management


Risk appetite vs risk tolerance, what they are and how to use them

David Vose

Fear, Risk & Daring Greatly

Paula Reid

From Wildlife to Boardroom: Risk Lessons from a Hippo Attack

Sarah Davis

Cognitive Empowerment in Risk Management: Enabling and Embracing Human Insight

Ellie Cloke Marcus Dimbleby

The Future Belongs to the Bold: Unleashing the Power of Informed Risk-Taking

Alex Sidorenko

Managing Climate Risk with SIPs

Shayne Kavanagh Sam Savage