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Grant Purdy

Director, Sufficient Certainty While, what I do has had many titles over the last 40+ years, it all seems to come down to assisting decision makers to have effective and efficient conversations about whether the decisions they are making, and have made previously, are providing sufficient certainty that intended outcomes will be achieved.

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Seeking sufficient certainty is an age-old challenge with many approaches (including ‘good old common sense’ even though the sense is often neither good nor common!). Through most of my career this has been labelled risk management. However, despite the best efforts of many, this is still widely perceived as being concerned with failure rather than with success. It also harbours a dirty secret: like ‘risk’, it is a made-up expression and has no commonly accepted or applied meaning.

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How ‘risk management’ hinders rather than helps decision-making and actually degrades value

Roger Estall Grant Purdy